Wednesday, May 19, 2004

palmOne - Support - Treo 600 Updater

palmOne - Support - Treo 600 Updater So far, all that's here is the Sprint (CDMA Treo 600's) and the carrier outside of North America (though I thought Orange was in Britain... perhaps I am ignorant of the scope of their service.) But you will need to get this update to use the sound recording feature in some of the new apps that are being developed. I'll have a link to those shortly. Here's how you check your firmware version: (from the PalmOne site) Do I need the Treo 600 Updater? (from the palmOne site) Yes, unless you already have the latest software on your device. Here's how to tell: 1. Press Phone. 2. Press Menu. 3. From the Options menu, select Phone Info. 4. In the Phone Info screen read the numbers after "Software." Look at the number after the "Treo 600-." 5. If your software version number is lower than 1.12, this software update is for you.


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