Friday, June 04, 2004

Treo 610

Handspring Treo 610 To Get Bluetooth I know. Bluetooth is supposed to be a good thing. In fact, recently in a fit of foresight, I bought a Bluetooth adaptor at Fry's for an insanely good price ($20 after rebate-I love me some good rebate action...) and I don't even have anything that uses Bluetooth, though there is a headset that has an adapt-y thingy that lets you use it as a regular set of earphones rather than be limited to it being a phone headset that I am pondering. All that aside, I still can't bring myself to be so excited about it. Probably its because in the dark ages of Palm based computing, I sat through years (literally) of listening to engineers brag about how exciting this new technology that unites the world in peace and harmony and makes cute and fuzzy kittens rain from the sky. So, I'm pretty much just burnt out on waiting for amazing things to happen with [insert name of product here] and Bluetooth. (Though this whole trend in England of hooking up for hot anonymous monkey love was kind of funny (in a 'please wear a condom, y'all.' kind of way.)) Just give me Wi-Fi and I'll stop whining so much... maybe. =;)


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