Real SD WiFi card coming for Palm - the Palm Freakin' Zire 71
Not even the good unit... the freakin' 71. Real SD WiFi card coming for Palm Oh those freakin' bastards. You know, I had a serious beef with Palm years ago when I was a big proponent for them.. they, of course, treated me like total dirt and I abandoned them for greener pastures. Handspring. Well, since then, as you know, the dark side has taken over the light side and the uiniverse is in an imbalance again. "The big catch is that it only works with a single handheld, palmOne’s Zire 71. It won’t work with any other Palm, not even with the newer version of the Zire 71, the Zire 72. Why not? Because palmOne won’t release the necessary patch that would make it possible for the WiFi card’s drivers to work in any of the other Palm handhelds that are out there." Frankly, I'm tired of their crap. I'm seriously considering what kind of statement I can make about this (for instance, selling my Treo 600 and going on a shut out of all things palmOne... but I haven't decided yet.) Most likely, I'll write them a letter and start a very noisy (and patently fredlet) irritating campaign to keep them from *&%#$ing us again like they did before. This is where I say all the very bad words. Very loudly. General News: SanDisk comes through on PalmOS support
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