Friday, June 18, 2004

The Update.

It always kind of freaks me out when I do any sort of ROM update/upgrade. I mean, really... you are re-burning your ROM and the potential for FUBARing is serious. So saying that, I really haven't ever had anything go drastically wrong with a ROM update, but because I know that I don't know how to squirm out of any errors or problems like I can with most things computer related, it bothers me. But then again I have always been a pretty serious control freak. So when I read all the instructions about the Treo 600 ROM update, I got a little squirmy, but sat happily, firmly in denial as I watched the bar drift across the screen of my Treo. ...and undoing this should it go wrong?

Solution ID: 25054 Reverting to the previous ROM after installing the Treo 600 Updater You cannot do this.
It's a one way ticket, baby. This update does require you to have 6 M free on your device (I had to delete a few things), make sure your battery is fully charged and resist the urge to futz arund with the Treo while it is updating*. While all this was going on, I made myself think about other things... crossed my fingers, made burnt offerings to the various Treo deities and occasionally glance casually to see what is going on. It installed an app and sync'd my info, launched said app when hotsync was done then started the process of reburning the ROM. (this is where I wanted to touch the Treo because it said not to...). It got through the process and had me reset the device and then go through all the little clicky details of setting the digitizer and the date. Then I resync'd the data onto my Treo. Upgrade features:(snipped from palmOne's site) • Improved data connectivity to browse the web, send and retrieve email and other applications. • Improved rendering of web pages and graphics in the web browser. • Enhanced audio-quality reliability, and reduced audio distortion. • Ability to enable car kit echo cancellation for better audio performance. • Ability to select a privacy mode for incoming SMS to hide the message content and sender information • Software now reflects the new name of our company - palmOne Casualties of war: -->Klondike 2.2 (installed with my Treo 600 software). This was the first thing I noticed not working... I launched it and it reset the Treo. Yarg. Can't live without Klondike. I mailed the guy(s?) at ElectronHut and they promptly mailed me back and said: The backup conduit has a bug in it which corrupts an application's code segment under certain circumstances. Klondike unfortunately is affected by this bug, so when the firmware update backs up and restores your apps, it corrupts Klondike in the process. Simply re-install Klondike from the CD that came with your Treo 600 and it will work fine. Do not install the copy of Klondike from your palm backup directory, that is the copy that was corrupted by the firmware update. ...and that worked. Of course, after I did all of this, palmOne now has a post-update FAQ.
Treo 600 Updater Installation FAQs Post-Update FAQs
-->A few pictures' names seem to have been corrupted. However, the pictures themselves are fine and I just renamed them. So far so good. 3 days since I did the update and the Treo is humming away nicely. I'm going to try the multimedia stuff that I remember being mentioned soon. *This is the hardest part for me... its alarming at the compulsions I feel around things that I am told not to mess with... and I'm 34. Doesn't this stuff ever go away?


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