Sunday, June 20, 2004

and because palmOne's web form doesn't work...

SUCH MORONS. I can't even tell them of my extreme displeasure. So I'll share it all with you. To the folks at palmOne, You should be ashamed of yourselves. I can’t express the disgust and utter contempt I feel for you without resorting to words that are not what I consider language fit for civilized society. I used to be a great fan of your hardware, I worked as an evangelist for the palm OS and all things palm related. Your response to this was to treat me like dirt. And I’m not exaggerating. I’ve never been so rudely dealt with in my life, and I’ve been a Technical Support engineer before... I know from abuse. So, I told myself that staying in an abusive relationship was futile and I went to the Handspring side of the world. I could have cared less if the worst things in the world befell Palm, it was just desserts for bad customer service and a complete unwillingness to have even a remotely clear idea of what it means to focus on customer needs rather than playing at being god. You all were clearly drunk on power.... and I abandoned you. I had nothing to do with you. I never recommended your hardware, I told the brutal truth of my experiences with your company and my reasons for the boycott of your services far and wide. Primarily I made it clear that any company who abused those who had been witless enough to be a fan of your distorted sense of customer care deserved all the abuse you so readily dished out. Handspring had it right. They appreciated their customers. The looked at market demand and responded with the addition of necessary ideas into the next generation of handhelds. If there was a problem, they didn’t backpeddle furiously or withhold updates to make something work, they did what would serve their customers and make them WANT to buy more product. I can’t for the life of me fathom what impels you to flat out refuse something that would boost your sales of the Treo 600 like adding wifi capability. (without advertising... which of course you don't bother to do in anything less than a half-ass sort of way.) And trying to cram that absolute waste of parts like the Zire 71 down our throats just makes me mourn for the death of Handspring. At this point, I am seriously regretting my purchase of my unit and am actively seeking a replacement for it. I highly recommend that you reconsider your decision for your refusal to enable 802.11b for the Treo 600 and other units. I don’t appreciate your condescension, your arrogant and almost constant abuse of your customers and I will not tolerate this treatment AGAIN. I will await your reply then make my decision. Suffice it to say that my readers will know each and every part of this decision in great and excrutiating detail. You can either have me as a fan or an enemy, there will be no in between. fredlet


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go grrl!!

5:18 PM  
Blogger fredlet said...

I throw tantrums well.. I am an only child.

11:43 AM  

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