Tuesday, February 08, 2005


PDA News - Samsung i550 cancelled, PalmOne rumors, WiFi sleds delayed?: "Report: Enfora WiFi sleds for Treo line delayed It appears that the projected early Febuary release date for Enfora's Treo 600 WiFi sled may slip a little. Reports are reaching us that the release of the sled has been delayed. New dates are hazy, but March has been mentioned as a possibility. A sled for the Treo 650 is also in the works, originally slated for release thirty days after the 600 sled."

Monday, February 07, 2005

Infinityball.com | MovieRecorder

This app ROCKS!!!!! Make sure you have the updated ROM and then go play with this. I love this thing. Infinityball.com: "05/18/04 - MovieRec v1.13 has been released for the Treo 600 smartphone. This version requires the latest firmware update from PalmOne. New features include the ability to adjust the recording quality and fixes several bugs that were present in the older versions. 11/30/04 - Chiru updated the MovieRec file converter, you can aqcuire it from his web site at http://www.ent.ohiou.edu/~puri/Treo600/."

Friday, February 04, 2005

Bloglines - PalmOne Raises Treo 650 GSM Price

Bloglines user fredlet has sent this item to you.

Gizmodo Gizmodo is an online review dedicated to gadgets, gizmos, and cutting-edge consumer electronics.

PalmOne Raises Treo 650 GSM Price

In Smartphones : Treo

TreoIncrease.jpg imagePalmOne seems bound and determined to slough off all the good will anyone ever had for them, with so many customer-last maneuvers you'd think they were run by Steve Jobs or something. Last night, PalmOne raised the price on their unlocked, unsubsidized Treo 650 GSM model from $599 to $699, citing a 'pricing error.' That's total and complete bullshit and everyone knows it—something as important as the price of a launching product gets checked and re-checked.

The increase means one of two things: so many people were buying the generic GSM version that they felt they could milk them for another $100 without worrying about losing sales (doubtful), or Cingular put the squeeze on them, worried that too many people would get the unlocked model instead of tying themselves to a carrier for a year or two. Either way, it's a total slap in the face to people who have been waiting for this product for months, although they should be used to the ill treatment by now. After the RAM problems and broken Bluetooth Dial-Up Networking, both of which Palm promised to address but never followed through on, Palm users should feel properly put in their place.

I have a Cingular Treo 650 on the way for testing. I think I'm just going to send it back, unopened.

palmOne Raises Unlocked GSM Treo 650 Price [Treonauts]

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Re: [TreoGrrl] 2/2/2005 02:20:09 PM

Oh how I LOVE shadowmite... On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 14:20:14 -0800 (PST), Anonymous wrote: > Bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) was/is disabled on both the Sprint and > the Cingular Treo 650's. However it took only a day or two to find the fix. > see www.shadowmite.com and/or the forum on Treo Central. > > -- > Posted by Anonymous to TreoGrrl at 2/2/2005 02:20:09 PM